A day in the life of Tommie Mascot

Tommie Mascot’s dressing room is where the magic begins.

Once he leaves, his only goal is to boost school spirit on campus.

Sophomore Quinn Impola said Tommie is a great part of St. Thomas.

“I get excited. It gets the heart pumping, you know,” Impola said. “It’s always a pleasure seeing Tommie around campus.”

Tommie’s true identity remains a mystery, but Associate Director of Campus Life Matt Gustafson said between four and eight students are hired to be the mascot.

“A lot of people really enjoy just the opportunity that when they are Tommie, that people don’t know who it is,” Gustafson said.

Junior Sarah Strain said she admires the dance moves Tommie does to get the crowd excited.

“There have been some kind of interesting pump-up-the-jam songs, which Tommie always whips out an interpretive dance to,” Strain said. “It’s funny.”

Tommie is good for more than dance routines, though.

“If you’re ever having a bad day, walking around with Tommie will change that very quickly,” Gustafson said.

Baihly Warfield can be reached at warf3860@stthomas.edu.