Former captain, student scores coaching role with hockey team

Senior Parker Burgess is still part of the men’s hockey team this year – he just has a different job.

Burgess is now the Recruiting Coordinator and Strength Coach for the team after his eligibility ended last year. Burgess said it has taken some time to get used to.

“I miss being out on the ice,” he said. “I think the first time I really realized how much I missed it is [when] there was a little bit of a scrum and I was always usually the first guy in the scrum doing something really ridiculous.”

Burgess’ jobs include going to many junior games and recruiting prospective Tommie hockey players, and working with the team in the weight room.

“Working them hard, until they hate me I guess,” he said.

Not only has Burgess had to transition from player to coach, but it’s also been a transition for his former teammates.

“Personally I prefer him as a player,” sophomore Robbie Vannelli said. “He was pretty fun, pretty fun in the locker room. But I know he’s going to be a good coach someday. That’s really his passion.”

Head coach Jeff Boeser said he likes Burgess as a player and now as a coach.

“Parker was a very smart hockey player … he always made good decisions on the rink. He understands the game,” Boeser said.

Brian Woitte can be reached at