JRC greenhouse reopens to students and free tea

The John Roach Center greenhouse reopened its doors to students this fall after being shut down due to COVID-19 in 2020-21. Now, the greenhouse is back to serving free tea to the St. Thomas community every Thursday from 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Joe LaPorte has the story.

Local band Scalise announces new music and show dates

Local band Scalise has begun promoting its second album after a two-year hiatus. The band has released a handful of singles and currently has two show dates at Bogart’s Entertainment in Apple Valley on Nov. 29 and the Turf Club in St. Paul on Dec. 9. Joe LaPorte has the story.

News in :90 – May 13, 2022

The fatal floods that weaked havoc in South Africa in mid-April have been attributed to human-caused climate change, the Minnesota Senate Democratic minority tried unsuccessfully to force consideration of nine abortion and health-related bills that the Republican majority has kept bottled up in committee, and St. Thomas’ O’Shaughnessy-Frey library was left mostly unscathed after a storm dropped almost two inches of rain during a tornado warning in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Radio host Joe LaPorte has today’s News in :90.

News in :90 – March 16, 2022

Russian forces are pounding Ukrainian cities and edging closer to the capital, Kyiv, in a relentless bombardment that keeps deepening the humanitarian crisis in this war, now in its third week, the mayor of the Minneapolis suburb where Daunte Wright was killed by an officer who said she mistook her handgun for her Taser said Tuesday that a memorial to the Black motorist will stay in place, after miscommunication with staff led some to believe it would be removed and St. Thomas’ Luann Dummer Center for Women hosted Leslie Jamison, an acclaimed author and novelist, March 8. KUST host Joe LaPorte has today’s News in :90.