Cell phone radiation linked to brain tumors, professor not buying it

Cell phone use could increase your chances of getting cancer, according to the recent book “Disconnected” by epidemiologist Devra Davis.
Davis analyzed results of past studies on cell phone radiation and said she found the risks are greatest for younger phone users who use their phones often. She wrote that radiation from cell phones could damage DNA and contribute to brain tumors.

Cell phone use could increase your chances of getting cancer, according to the recent book “Disconnected” by epidemiologist Devra Davis.

Davis analyzed results of past studies on cell phone radiation and said she found the risks are greatest for younger phone users who use their phones often. She wrote that radiation from cell phones could damage DNA and contribute to brain tumors.

Although banned, T-shirts and party buses still show up in Collegeville

Even after the bans on party buses and inappropriate T-shirts at the Tommie-Johnnie football game, some students still rode party buses at least part of the way to the game, and some students snuck forbidden T-shirts into the stadium.

Even after the bans on party buses and inappropriate T-shirts at the Tommie-Johnnie football game, some students still rode party buses at least part of the way to the game, and some students snuck forbidden T-shirts into the stadium.

Move-in day “hectic” but exciting for new freshmen

Saturday was a busy day on campus as the majority of the freshman class moved into new residence halls.

“It’s been hectic and crazy,” said freshman Peter Lindahl, who moved into his new dorm in Brady Hall Saturday. “But even though it’s tough with the lines and stuff, I’m enjoying it.”

Dining services taking over club meals

This fall, student clubs will have to say goodbye to Davanni’s pizza, Noodles and Company dishes and Chipotle burritos at weekly convocation hour meetings.

The biggest change in the new purchasing regulations, and the change that will affect students most, is that food for any campus function will have to be ordered through campus catering services instead of from off-campus vendors.

Campus Ministry shifting from chaplains to peer ministers

Campus Ministry staff will begin the process this fall of transforming the current hall chaplain program into a peer ministry program, and when the new program is fully implemented by the fall of 2011, undergraduates serving as peer ministers will entirely replace live-in hall chaplains.