INFOGRAPHIC: How to avoid absentee ballot mistakes

According to a recent NPR analysis, more than 550,000 ballots have been rejected in this year’s presidential primaries. While many Americans plan on voting by mail this presidential election, it is more prone to human error causing them to be rejected at higher rates than in-person votes. Design Manager Maggie Stout explains how to avoid common absentee ballot mistakes.

News in :90 – Sept. 24, 2020

Protesters gathered outside of the Minnesota State Capital in response to the Louisville, Ky. grand jury’s decision to not indict the officers involved in the death of Breonna Taylor, some St. Thomas students participated in voting education events and St. Thomas club sports have been cleared to start practices this week. Design Manager Maggie Stout has News in :90.

INFOGRAPHIC: Languages in the digital world

What effect has the internet had on the preservation of certain languages? With only 2% of the world’s languages thriving online, many are at risk of dying out. Designer Maggie Stout looks at this issue and ask the question, “Will the internet make most languages go extinct?”