Sitzmann Hall renovations to be finished by late October

A comfortable place for students to study, larger rooms and a bigger chapel are some of the expected benefits of the Sitzmann Hall renovation. Sitzmann Hall, built in the 1920s and located on the corner of Summit and Cleveland Avenues, was originally constructed as a family residence, much like the rest of the stately homes …

Tommies’ cuppa joe now served by Starbucks

A familiar face will be arriving this fall on campus: the green logo of Starbucks Coffee. Full espresso bars, featuring all of Starbucks’ hot and cold drinks, will now be available at Scooters and Beakers. Seattle’s Best, a Starbucks-owned company, will be brewed daily everywhere else, including The Grill and Food for Thought on the …

St. Thomas icon missing

Priest, scholar and statesman, Archbishop John Ireland founded St. Thomas as a Catholic seminary in 1885.

Currently he is not a visible campus presence, due to construction of the Anderson Athletic and Recreation Complex.

Early this summer, the statue was taken down, disassembled, placed in a crate and secured in a storage unit near McNeely’s underground parking ramp.