2010 Tommie Award nominee: Clare Naughton

Clare Naughton, international studies major, renaissance program minor, 3.50 GPA

Naughton is from St. Paul, Minn. Her main activities at St. Thomas include being on the crew team, helping with events for Students for Justice and Peace, working as a Catholic Studies Intern and working for Residence Life.

2010 Tommie Award nominee: Paul Solomon

Paul Solomon, philosophy and Catholic studies major, 3.29 GPA

Solomon is from Wheaton, Ill. At St. Thomas, he is a St. John Vianney resident adviser, Last Chance Mass assistant and the principle organizer of “Caruso’s Crew.”

2010 Tommie Award nominee: Matthew Deutsch

Matthew Deutsch, mechanical engineering major, 3.77 GPA

Deutsch is from Spring Valley, Wis. His activities include Air Force ROTC, fraternity of St. Michael the Archangel, Chamber Singers, cantor at Mass on campus, Christian Leaders Club, Student Spirituality Committee, Junior Class Senator, Black Knights Drill Team, Swing Dance Club, Arnold Air Society, Valor Bible Study, Detachment 410 Choir, Delta Epsilon Sigma and Aquinas Scholars Honors Program.

2010 Tommie Award nominee: Kristy Elsen

Kristy Elsen, leadership and management and business communications major

Elsen is from Champlin, Minn. Her leadership positions include working as the Flynn Hall operations manager, Residence Hall Association president, and Undergraduate Student Government RHA representative. She is on the National Residence Hall Honorary, Registrar Committee, Beverage Funds Committee and Judicial Hearing Board as a student representative.

2010 Tommie Award nominee: Katie Pauly

Katie Pauly, social work major, 3.90 GPA

Pauly is from Hinckley, Minn. Her St. Thomas activities include Social Work Club co-vice president, School of Social Work Group Work Institute Community member, HIV/AIDS Awareness Club, Art Club and Development Office student worker.

2010 Tommie Award nominee: Miles Trump

Miles Trump, communication and journalism major, 3.74 GPA

Trump is from Mankato, Minn. He has been involved in Tommie Ambassadors, STAR and Literacy Connections at St. Thomas. Trump is currently the sports editor at TommieMedia.

2010 Tommie Award nominee: Corey Dahl

Corey Dahl, English and economics major, 3.87 GPA

Dahl is from Clear Lake, Minn. His activities at St. Thomas include Chamber Singers, Liturgical Choir, Undergraduate Student Government, Aquinas Scholars student board, UST Allies and Sigma Tau Delta literary club.

2010 Tommie Award nominee: Brett Stone

Brett Stone, business communications major, French minor, 3.44 GPA

Stone is from Edina, Minn. His activities at St. Thomas include working as an advertising intern for STAR, a resident adviser in Brady Residence Hall, and vice president of the National Residence Hall Honorary.

2010 Tommie Award nominee: Matt Pazderka

Matthew Pazderka, biology major, 3.52 GPA

Pazderka is from Omaha, Neb. His activities at St. Thomas include Ireland Hall resident adviser and operations manager, RHA, Catholic Men’s Leadership, biology research, St. Thomas basketball for two years and “the occasional studying.”

2010 Tommie Award nominee: Sandra Moran

Sandra Moran, psychology major, 3.66 GPA

Moran is from Eden Prairie, Minn. Moran’s activities and positions at the university include STAR President, Board of Trustees student representative, orientation intern, University Lectures committee chair, Linkages mentor, Tutor-mentor, Tommie Ambassador, Tommie blogger, Academic Affairs student intern, Campus Life student worker, apartment coordinator for Flynn Residence Hall and Child Development Center Residence Hall.