OPINION: Unity should be Biden’s top priority

On his first day, President Joe Biden signed 15 executive orders with topics ranging from the pandemic to climate change. Opinions Editor Maddie Peters argues Biden’s top priority should be uniting the country, especially in the face of COVID-19 and January’s political whirlwind.

OPINION: Plastic is not the problem; we are

If consumers are not educated enough about proper waste management, and if it is not properly enforced by environmental regulations and sustainability policies, problems such as plastic waste will not decrease as much as we need them to. Columnist Gustavo Gutierrez-Nidasio argues before banning certain materials or taxing the use of certain products, people should be well-educated on environment-friendly practices.

News in :90 – Sept. 20, 2019

Young people are leading the global climate change protests, the death of a Minnesota woman is being investigated as a homicide, and St. Thomas Air Force ROTC students won full ride scholarship to medical school. Reporter Rachel Torralba has today’s News in :90.