OPINION: Unfair laws attack the student vote

The student turnout in the 2018 midterms was more than twice the rate of the 2014 midterms, but inconvenient voting processes have since hurt that higher number. Columnist Kayla Mayer argues some states are trying to suppress our voices.

OPINION: Loving our country requires disagreement

President Donald Trump has painted himself as the ultimate patriot. Any criticism of him or his policies is deemed unpatriotic, but it shouldn’t be that way. Columnist Kayla Mayer argues patriotism doesn’t mean unceasing support for everything a country does.

News in :90: Oct. 24, 2019

The Summit League commissioner said a decision on St. Thomas’ Division I move will not be reached until at least January and Republicans stormed into a closed-door deposition, briefly halting the Democrat-led impeachment investigation. Production Editor Emily Haugen.