2019-2020 USG executive board and general council announced

On Tuesday, April 30, the 2019-2020 Undergraduate Student Government general council and executive board were announced.

Junior Logan Monahan, a two-year executive board member, was elected as Student Body President and ran on a platform called, ‘We are better together.’

“This focuses on everything that I’ve seen in our world, within student government and life and at our university,” Monahan said. “There is power in numbers and there’s power in people and we are truly better when we’re together.”

The other executive board members include Caroline Ludwig as executive vice president, Joel Gmach as VP of administrative affairs, Aria St. James as VP of academic affairs, Viridiana Martinez as VP of diversity, Derek Nauman as VP of financial affairs and Joshua Crespo as VP of public relations.

Ludwig currently serves as a sophomore class senator and is excited to continue working closely with the senate as executive vice president.

“I just kind of want to continue the work that we started this year and just take it,” Ludwig said. “This year we did a lot of really great research and figuring out what we need to do and what we want to do…we didn’t have a ton of time for execution because we just came up with all these great ideas.”

Gmach is this year’s student organizations and clubs committee representative which allows him to work closely with students who are trying to get a club approved by USG.

“Part of the big thing that I’m really passionate about in USG is all the practical things we can bring to the attention of the administration,” Gmach said.

He hopes to improve parking on campus for commuter students and create more dining options for students with dietary restrictions and preferences.

As student body president, Monahan is excited to see how he can help others make a difference.

“I guess my first initial reason to get involved (in USG) was just to make a difference on campus,” Monahan said. “I think I have a strong voice but also I’m a leader that likes to allow others to be heard and rather than use my own voice, lifting up other people’s voices.”

The new executive board will meet at least once before the school year is over and the new general council will start meetings fall semester.

“I’m just really excited for this next year,” Gmach said. “I think we have a great e-board. I’m just really excited to work with them.”