A BOO-tiful weekend: St. Thomas students excited to enjoy Halloween festivities

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Whether it’s trick-or-treating, the pumpkin patch, or watching scary movies, everyone celebrates Halloween in their own way; however this season’s festivities look a bit different from years past.

Because of COVID-19 restrictions, Halloween 2020 felt dispirited for most. Although there were plenty of online events last year, it just did not feel the same. The university has certainly made up for it this year, with an abundance of festive activities for students to attend.

Returning home from a party, dressed as the Queen of Hearts, sophomore Lucy Wileman talks about how she plans to celebrate Halloween on-campus.

“I’m planning on going to as many events as I can, since I couldn’t really do that last year, and just having as much fun,” Wileman said.

While many might feel as if they are ‘too old’ for costumes, residence advisor Bridget Zenk argues that is not the case.

While hosting a trick-or-treating event for her residents, Zenk encourages everyone to dress up this year.

“Halloween is a fun time where everyone loves dressing up and just kind of embracing the fun of it again” Zenk said.

Zenk herself will be dressing up as a cow for a combined costume party and Swing Dance Club meeting, along with residence advisor Amelia Reed, who will be there as a cowgirl.

Reed lives in Murray-Herrick Hall and is hosting a door decorating contest for her residents, which she is very excited about.

“I think it makes the hall feel more like home, and feel more welcoming when there’s lots of decorations up, and people are able to be creative,” Reed said.

Murray-Herrick Hall will be choosing their door-decorating contest winner on Sunday, Halloween night.

“I’ll be here all weekend, hopefully seeing residents around, in costume,” said Reed, who plans on spending Halloween on campus.

Noelle Gahnz can be reached at gahn8228@stthomas.edu.

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