A day in the life of a student trainer

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When student trainers are not at St. Thomas sporting events or in class, they are in the training room in the Anderson Athletic and Recreation Complex.

Sports medicine assistants, or student trainers, are students who have been trained in CPR and first aid, as well as to deal with athletes needs in and out of the season.

In addition to being present at all games and practices for all St. Thomas sports teams, the student trainers are responsible for cleaning the training room, bringing water and medical kits to practices, performing treatments, medical taping athletes and responding to injuries that may arise during games.

Because student trainers must be present at every game and practice, and spend additional time in the training room, the job is a large time commitment. Student trainers are at every team’s practices to bring carts of water and kits of first aid supplies and deal with injuries if they arise.

Student trainer Jessica Olinger said the commitment is manageable because the supervisors understand that classes come first.

Head trainer Roger Casey said the student trainers are “very valuable to the program.”

Morgan Neu can be reached at neu92585@stthomas.edu.