Associate Vice President of Principal and Leadership Gifts speaks, council members approved a new club and finance update overviewed at Nov. 4 USG meeting

Associate Vice President of Principal and Leadership Gifts Joe Plante discussed the Schoenecker Center, USG approved the creation of a design club and finance updates were given at the Undergraduate Student Government general council meeting Thursday, Nov. 4 at Scooter’s.

Guest Speaker: Joe Plante

Plante overviewed the plans for the new STEAM building and released the name of the building that will transform the south campus: The Schoenecker Center. This center will highlight the arts offered at St. Thomas.

“We think arts are a powerful mechanism to really infuse deep creativity and a strong sense aesthetic,” Plante said. “Just imagine what it could mean for the artist and an engineer to really work collaboratively, then you start having things that are more of a human centered design.”

The building will emphasize collaboration between students with the use of glass and open concepts and encourage discussion between students.

“Another is spaces that facilitate strong, what we call, creative collisions, just places where people will come together, either intentionally or just by happenstance that we call these the collaboration zones,” Plante said.

Plante discussed the design principles for this new building, which include flexible learning spaces, creative collisions and community spaces.

The collaboration space “is just a space where there’s going to be whiteboards and other technologies, both in open and enclosed spaces where people can just gather spontaneously,” Plante said.

The $100 million building will be built using funds from both donors and from the university: $75 million will come from “private philanthropy through major gifts” and $25 million will come from the university debt service.

The building is named after Guy and Barbara Schoenecker. Guy was a 1949 graduate and a longtime member of St. Thomas’ Board of Trustees.

“He was exceedingly generous throughout his years as a board member and a very wise, very quiet, humble man, but he really believed immensely in giving back,” Plante said.

New club: design club

TommieMedia web manager Lauren Dettmer presented a proposal for a new design club before the general council.

Dettmer emphasized the importance for this club because, as a senior, she “didn’t have a community of design-oriented students who are looking for design internships and opportunities within the Twin Cities.”

The club will allow members to work with local organizations and nonprofits, making graphics and designs for their needs.

Senior Class President Cora Heinzen expressed support for the club.

“I really appreciate how it’s mutually beneficial for both the students in the club as well as the organizations in the community, and that is how clubs should be,” Heinzen said.

The club was unanimously passed by the council.

Finance Updates

Various clubs internally requested funding through USG and were approved for a total of $13,160.52.

USG unanimously approved club requests for $2,840 to Supply Chain & Operations Management; $2,080 to Queer Straight Alliance; $1,500.52 to the Purple Gloves Club; $1,280 to the Dance Club; $2,220 to College Republicans; and $3,240 to the Table Top Gaming Club.

USG also approved $2000 to the create[space] for an ugly sweater combined event with USG.

Natalie Hoepner can be reached at

Editor’s note: TommieMedia Web Manager Lauren Dettmer did not contribute to this story.

One Reply to “Associate Vice President of Principal and Leadership Gifts speaks, council members approved a new club and finance update overviewed at Nov. 4 USG meeting”

  1. How many VPs does UST have? Like all higher Ed institutions UST’s administration has grown cancerously.

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