News in :90 – Feb. 10, 2022

A school bus driver was expected to survive after being shot in the head in Minneapolis while transporting young children.

Officials said the driver was wounded Wednesday afternoon while on his for her bus route. Three children younger than 10 were on board and not hurt. The driver has not been identified.

Officers found the bus around 2 p.m. and provided first aid before the driver was taken to the hospital by paramedics. The children on the bus were dropped off at their homes by police.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Thursday the Ukraine crisis has grown into “the most dangerous moment” for Europe in decades.

Amid the deadlock, Russian forces held sweeping maneuvers north of Ukraine in Belarus, part of a buildup of over 100,000 troops that has stoked Western fears of an invasion.

The truck blockade by Canadians protesting the country’s COVID-19 restrictions is tightening the screws on the auto industry, forcing Ford, Toyota and General Motors to shut down plants or otherwise curtail production on both sides of the U.S.-Canada border.

The bumper-to-bumper demonstration entered its fourth day Thursday at the Ambassador Bridge connecting Windsor, Ontario, to Detroit, disrupting the flow of auto parts and other products back and forth across the border.

Sydney LaBelle can be reached at