News in :90 – Nov. 16, 2021

President Joe Biden signed his one-trillion-dollar infrastructure deal into law Monday before a bipartisan crowd on the White House lawn.

He declared that the new infusion of cash for roads, bridges, ports and more is going to make life “change for the better” for the American people.

Minnesota health officials say the state is currently in the middle of a coronavirus “blizzard,” and the rate of new infections is the worst in the nation over the past seven days.

The state on Monday reported another 5,266 coronavirus infections and a 9.7% positivity rate. That brings Minnesota close to its 10% high-risk threshold for widespread transmission.

More than 95% of available inpatient hospital beds are filled across the state.

St. Thomas has introduced new initiatives to reduce the university’s carbon footprint. The major initiatives include the Board of Trustees committing to divest from all fossil fuels in the next 5 years and a new mask recycling program on campus.

The commitments come after Pope Francis urged political and economic leaders to show courage and long-range vision when it comes to climate change.

Rori West can be reached at