News in :90 – Nov. 2, 2021

The Biden administration has pledged to work with the European Union and other nations to reduce overall methane emissions worldwide by 30% by 2030.

At a United Nations climate summit, more than 100 countries also pledged to end deforestation in the coming decade — a promise that experts say would be critical to limiting climate change. Over 19 billion dollars in public and private funds have been pledged toward the plan.

Local elections are taking place across the U.S. today, and voters are making selections on a variety of local races, ranging from mayor and city council to school board and bond measures.

Virginia and New Jersey will be closely watched today as they are casting ballots for governor and other statewide races.

In Minnesota, Minneapolis residents will vote for mayor as well as decide whether to replace the city’s police department with a new Department of Public Safety.

The City of St. Paul will vote on a proposal for rent stabilization, which would place a 3 percent cap on the amount that a landlord can raise rent each year. The proposal would be one of the strictest in the country if passed.

Ella Shuherk can be reached at