On-campus dining services accommodate students during Lent

As the Lenten season begins, so does the traditional Friday fish fry and lentil soup suppers in The View and at The Binz.

The View offers many meatless options for students during the Lenten season. Greens offers several salads, cheeses and toppings available at every meal. (Sara Kovach/TommieMedia)
The View offers many meatless options for students during the Lenten season. Greens offers several salads, cheeses and toppings available at every meal. (Sara Kovach/TommieMedia)

In fact, on-campus dining services offers many meatless options on Fridays for Catholic students.

“We offer meatless items everyday,” said Todd Empanger, director of dining services. “The choice is made by the student when they visit our dining businesses.”

In The View, Your Call has several selections, including shrimp and tofu. Little Italy offers cheese pizza and typically a pasta item. Greens offers several salads, cheeses and fruit, and the Delicatessen offers several sandwich spreads and assorted vegetables and cheeses.

T’s and Scooter’s have items that meet Lenten standards in their everyday menus and quick-pick choices that also meet these standards are always available in the to-go spaces.

Lenten regulations for Catholics include abstaining from meat and eating one regular meal on Fridays and Ash Wednesday, which are designated days for fasting. Many students take this tradition seriously and look forward to the Lenten season, a time of prayer and reflection in preparation for Easter.

“Traditionally, Lent is when I give up something or go without the things that I have grown accustomed to in my life, including food,” senior Stephen Geer said.

For freshman Caroline Stiles, the Lenten season gives her a chance to focus her energy toward other activities.

“Fasting on Fridays is a way for me to spend more time on prayer,” Stiles said. “I don’t think of it as a negative but as a positive in my life.”

Sara Kovach can be reached at kova7636@stthomas.edu.