USG reflects on the death of Amir Locke and covers COVID protocols, financing, and special elections at Feb. 17 meeting

At the first in-person meeting of the spring semester, the Undergraduate Student Government took a moment to reflect on the death of Amir Locke; President Adam Revoir suggested USG show support by reaching out to multicultural councils and clubs, while another student pointed out that police officers and first responders are affected by these events as well.

Associate Vice President of Auxiliary Services and Interim Executive Director of Dining Services speak, special elections update given and face masking discussed at Feb. 3 meeting

New Associate Vice President of Auxiliary Services Pam Peterson and Interim Executive Director of Dining Services Steve Griffin discussed updates in dining services, USG open positions were talked about and USG President Adam Revoir emphasized face mask wearing at the Undergraduate Student Government general council meeting over Zoom on Thursday, Feb. 3.