News in :90 – March 21, 2019

St. Thomas’ Undergraduate Student Government approved a new Denouncing Hate Resolution. The resolution was approved 40-0. Five clubs were also funded and a dining services representative discussed the changes for dining services next fall.

These changes include an unlimited meal plan, flex dollars changing to dining dollars and extended meal hours in The View.

Around St. Thomas, St. Paul is bracing for a spring flooding as the Mississippi River rises with rapidly melting snow. The National Weather service says there’s a 95 percent chance the Mississippi will reach major flood stage, or 17 feet, in St. Paul in the coming days.

In national news, A scientific report from the Environmental Law and Policy Center says the Great Lakes region is warming faster than the rest of the United States. This means an increase of more flooding and extreme weather. Farms could be hit especially hard, with heavy rains delaying spring planting and dry spells requiring more irrigation during the summer.

Finally, an overloaded ferry sank in the Tigris river near the Iraqi city of Mosul. The people on board were celebrating the Kurdish new year. At least 40 people were killed, many being women and children.