Undergraduate Student Government fills nine open positions

St. Thomas students voted on Feb. 12 and 13 in a special election to fill nine open positions on the Undergraduate Student Government general council.

USG added three first-years, one sophomore, four juniors and one senior to the council. The new members are:

Adam Revoir – Legislative Affairs Senator
Bridie Prosser – Greater Minnesota/Out-of-State Senator
Sylvester Nwosujii – Senior Class Senator
Joshua Crespo-Arreola – Junior Class President
Andrew Spencer – Junior Class Senator
Sierra Tentis – Junior Class Senator
Nick Goetz – Sophomore Class President
Lauren Forbes – First-Year Class Senator
Kevyn Perkins – First-Year Residential Senator

The new members have their own goals for what they want to bring to USG.

First-Year Residential Sen. Lauren Forbes hopes to get to know more people through the experience. She looks forward to anticipating students’ needs and wants in order to put plans into action.

“I hope to find ways to help everyone in the St. Thomas community feel included and able to thrive outside of the classroom,” Forbes said.

First-year Legislative Affairs Sen. Adam Revoir wants to implement policies in students’ best interests.

“I enjoy giving back to the community and strengthening it,” Revoir said. “The opportunity to serve on USG is the perfect way to do that.”

Sophomore Class President Nick Goetz is looking forward to getting to know other members of USG and advancing his leadership skills. He hopes his strong background in communication and conversational skills will help him in his new position.

“I also am looking forward to hearing all kinds of view-points from my peers and incorporating those beliefs into our mission going forward,” Goetz said.

Junior Class Sen. Andrew Spencer plans to advocate for complete transparency when it comes to how USG handles its finances. He believes his prior experiences have given him a good understanding of what issues are most important to students. On the other hand, he realizes he can learn a lot from being on the council.

“I know I have blind spots when it comes to issues on campus and so I look forward to continuing to hear from other students about the ways in which our student government and university at large can be improved,” Spencer said.

Kat Barrett can be reached at barr1289@stthomas.edu.